County Public Primary

County Public Primary

Reestablishing Trust In Government, One Idea at a Time. Your Ideas, Your County ..... Your United States of America

Make Your Ideas Heard

Begin by subscribing to the County Public Primary forums. First a little about you.
About County Public Primary

Why It Is Neccessary

Accumsan volutpat ocurreret id nam, solet numquam accommodare quo et. Et vidit choro aliquid pro, ad inani eirmod vituperata duo. Ut ludus vulputate qui, movartem accom modare eos no, vix error percipitur.

Nunc, blandit libero, blandit nunc diam rhoncus viverra. Et nec tellus nulla erisque ultricies massa sagittis dictum malesuada. Urna id velit, quis morbi nibh duis massa odio. Iaculis massa duis sit tellus adipiscing. Cursus amet



While it’s pretty tough to blur party lines these days, the idea is to do just that.  We come together to promote our ideas that we feel will improve our communities and our counties.  We discuss these ideas, vote on these ideas so that those that eventually represent us know what it is that we would like to see. 

Some ideas may have leanings, but we will make sure those ideas are voted on by our “public primary” with no biased whatsoever.  We only ask that you be as non-partisan as possible and hear what your community has presented. 

Your Voice Matters

Things We Find Important

Safer Communities

Lorem tristique netus hac idellus orci bibendum aenean pellentesque pellentesque Habitant lorem.

Your Voice & Ideas

Lorem tristique netus hac idellus orci bibendum aenean pellentesque pellentesque Habitant lorem.

Health Care

Lorem tristique netus hac idellus orci bibendum aenean pellentesque pellentesque Habitant lorem.

Your Citizenship

Lorem tristique netus hac idellus orci bibendum aenean pellentesque pellentesque Habitant lorem.

Public Transportation

Lorem tristique netus hac idellus orci bibendum aenean pellentesque pellentesque Habitant lorem.

Education System

Lorem tristique netus hac idellus orci bibendum aenean pellentesque pellentesque Habitant lorem.

Truly and Honestly

Knowing the Candidate

Getting to know candidates without their party badges. What do they believe and endorse before their party affiliations? Who are they deep down and is that someone you can get behind as they make their way into the primaries.

However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government ; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. 
– President George Washington in Farewell Address 1796


People Supporting Growth

Built on real people serving real people. Or as they say, By the People For The People. Local town hall groups and individuals who feel their ideas could improve their local municipalities, their counties and eventually .... Our Country.
concerned citizens get a voice
People with Concerns
people wanting a voice
People Wanting a Voice

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